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Idaho Falls - On Snake River
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Location Category Description:
The headwaters of the Snake River rise up in Yellowstone National Park. Journeying through Wyoming, Idaho and part of southern Washington the Snake River joins the Columbia River 1,040 miles from its point of origination. In Idaho Falls, the Snake River runs right through the downtown area and over a wide dam, offering scenic waterfalls right in town. The Snake River Greenbelt Park offers a wonderful place to walk, jog, roller blade, boat, watch waterfowl and view the famous waterfalls. All lodging accommodations in this location are situated on the banks of the Snake River and offer rooms or suites with views of the river.
Other Locations in Idaho Falls:
Downtown Area
Interstate 15 Corridor
Near Idaho Falls Regional Airport (IDA)
Near Grand Teton Mall
Near Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center
Near Museum of Idaho
Around Town
Out of Town


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